2. Kindergarten students have no concept of whether they are traveling down the street, to a different state, or to a different country for their Thanksgiving dinner. You have to put it in terms of walking, cars, and airplanes.
3. 21 out of 27 kindergartners admit to eating turkey for Thanksgiving. 3 don't celebrate Thanksgiving (because they are from another country), 2 eat chicken (which is probably really turkey), and 1 eats turkey pizza (which is probably a lie).
4. During our Thanksgiving celebration, all students who get selected to wear the pilgrim hats are secretly (or openly) disappointed. The Native American hats are just cooler, even you and I know that.
5. Pilgrim and Native American hats aside, a kindergarten Thanksgiving celebration is a happy memory for all, and the kids actually emit a disappointed "awwwww" when told it's time to pack-up to go home because of the half-day of school. Moments like these make me thankful that I'm a teacher.