Sunday, December 4, 2011

10 Kindergarten Misconceptions

  1. Just because you do not like a food, does not mean you are allergic to it.
  2. My first name is not Mrs. I have a real first name, and the few kids who know it are sworn to secrecy.
  3. While I do not have eyes on the back of my head, I can hear and recognize your voice even when my back is turned.
  4. There is more than one step to tying your shoes.  While repeating the first step over and over again does make the laces shorter, it also makes Mommy mad.
  5. Just because the sun is out does not mean that you do not have to wear your coat.  Similarly, if you leave a coat in your locker every day, you will eventually run out of coats (also making Mommy mad).
  6. An open juice box cannot be saved in your lunchbox for later, and you have to screw the lid back on your water bottle for it to be effective.
  7. While I know the Kleenex box is enticing, it is not good for your nose to be addicted to tissues.
  8. A popsicle stick does not double as a nail file.
  9. Yes, the scissors will cut your hair, your clothes, and your skin. 
  10. That gum under the table was not put there for you to play with...or to eat.
They will eventually learn, but until then, I will continue to enjoy :-)

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