Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Best Things In Life are Free

Now that the hustle and bustle of Christmas is over, and lots of clothing, gift cards, and toys have been given and received, I have had time to sit and enjoy my favorite gift.  It did not cost any money - just some paper, some crayons, and the minds of 27 kindergartners.   This year, in addition to a generous gift card, my class made me a paper chain comprised of drawings, good tidings, and their favorite things about me. While being showered with gifts is always nice, being showered with kind words and praise is somehow more fulfilling.  Here are a few of my favorite links on the chain:
  • "I like that Mrs. Q. never yells at me."
  • "She makes sure you are safe."
  • "I like homework."
  • "When Mrs. Q. stops my bloody nose."
  • "Mrs. Q. teaches me math sooo good." (but apparently not English)
  • "I like walking to my bus with Mrs. Q."
  • "Mrs. Q. lets me go to the office when I get hurt."
  • "Mrs. Q. helps me not break the rules and be listening in my class."
  • "I like when she gets balls for us!"
  • "Mrs. Q only puts stars on our papers if we are correct.  If we don't, we get an X.  I like stars."
  • "I like Mrs. Q because she has a nice smile."
  • "Mrs. Q helps us because he's our special teacher we love."

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