Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Student Walks Into the Classroom...

So, a student walks into the classroom with a magnet picture frame from his locker which houses a picture of two teenage girls in their orange and hot pink prom dresses. The girls are hugging and the prom dresses are clearly from the past decade (there is not much too them). He wants to hang it on my desk. I inform him that I do not know the girls and that it would make more sense for him to ke...ep it in his locker. Curious, I ask who the girls are, thinking they are probably his cousins. He explains that his mom has two moms and this is a picture of them. "Oh, so those are your grandmas in that picture?" I try to say with a straight face. He would not confirm this nor did he see the ludicrousness of this whole story. But he did go on to explain how his dad grew-up before his mom did, so his dad had taken this picture. And then he was born, and he's five now...

I can't wait to bring this up at conferences!

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